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This book introduces children to their super powers; their thoughts, words and feelings and their super sensitive instinctual feelings and inner guiding voice. It gives easy practices to get in touch with them and strengthen them and explains why and how to work with them to master difficult times.
In her other childrens book Childrens Yoga Nidra The Enlightened Super Souls, Jennifer explains that we are not only a human being, but multidimensional beings made of mind, body, emotions and soul. She explains that we have a visible body which is physical that we can see, but we also have subtle bodies (mind, emotions and soul) that are invisible, that is in energy form, that we can not see.
The nutrition and exercise for each of these bodies is completely different and in that book she shares the techniques to develop healthy and happy minds and emotions in our children which will create an empowered future generation of love.
The theme song for Children of Unity. We are the children of Unity coming together as one.
A fun and easy sing along song for our Children of Unity shining peace and light to the world. Watch our talents and gifts as we grow. Get the song now and sing along with the catchy tune.
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If you require another email address please contact us via the contact form and let us know. We thank you for your support. All proceeds will go towards the foundation vision and mission.